9598_An Analysis of the Impact of Cultural Diversity on Grievance Handling A Case Study of Unilever

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An Analysis of the Impact of Cultural Diversity on
Grievance Handling: A Case Study of Unilever

Dissertation submitted in part fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of
MBA in Human Resource Management
at Dublin Business School

Florence Yemattu Gorvie


January 2019



I, Florence Yemattu Gorvie, declare that this research is my original work and that it has never
been presented to any institution or university for the award of Master of Business
Administration in Human Resource Management. In addition, I have referred correctly all
literature and Sources used in this work and this work is fully compliant with the Dublin
Business School’s academic honesty policy.

Florence Gorvie
5TH January 2019



This has been a period of immense learning for me (academically as well as socially). To finally complete
this phase of my life, I would like to reflect on the people; who through their various contributions,
supported and helped me throughout this period.
Firstly, I would like to thank the lecturers at Dublin Business School for their valuable guidance. You
provided me with the tools I needed to choose the right direction and successfully complete my
dissertation. I would like to single out my supervisor, Dr Martin O’Dea. I want to thank you for your
comments, corrections, suggestions and cooperation throughout the process of completing my dissertation
Special thanks go to my mum; words cannot express how grateful I am to you for giving me another
opportunity to further my education. To my family and friends, I thank you for supporting me throughout
this process whilst understanding that I had to be absent at some functions.
Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank God Almighty for making it possible for me to
complete my studies. Without his blessings, this research would not have been possible.



As more companies are striving to be global, their workforce is becoming more diversified.
Conflicts are inevitable in any organisation especially one that have employees from different
cultural backgrounds. This research aims at analysing the impact of cultural diversity on
grievance handling. To further understand this concept, a multinational company; Unilever
Nigeria will be used as a case study. This a multinational company that is bases in Lagos,
Nigeria and it employs people from different backgrounds be it race, gender, education and
In carrying out the research, both primary and secondary methods of data collection were used.
A review was carried out on secondary sources such as research journals, articles and text books.
Questionnaires were distributed among employees of Unilever Nigeria as a form of primary data
collection with questions based on the topics of grievance handling and cultural diversity.
This research produced a number of findings: recent studies have confirmed that cultural
diversity and effective grievance handling have an effect on employee performance and
organizational growth. Research has also proved that as a result of increase in globalization,
companies are now more likely to have a culturally diverse workforce.
The main conclusion drawn from this research is that ways in which employee grievances are
handled is highly linked to their performance and commitment level. This research argues that in
the process of grievance handling, management should often ensure that it generates all the
relevant facts needed to make informed judgment and decisions on any specific grievance
presented to it.



Table of Contents
DECLARATION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… i
ACKNOWLEDGEMANT …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ii
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. iii
CHAPTER ONE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
1. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Background to the Study
…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Statement of Research Problem ………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Research Question …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Research Aim and Objectives
………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Research Hypothesis ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Scope and Limitation of Study ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
Significance of Study ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
Research Methodology …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
Organization of Study ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12
CHAPTER TWO ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14
LITERATURE REVIEW ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14
Conceptual Review
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
Diversity ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
Workplace Conflict and grievances
…………………………………………………………………………. 23
2.2.3 Causative Factors of Work-place Conflict ………………………………………………………………………. 25
2.3 Classification of Workplace Conflict…………………………………………………………………………………. 27
Types of Grievances ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 29
Double Effects of Diversity
………………………………………………………………………………………… 34
Managing Diversity in the Nigeria Organizational Context
…………………………………………….. 39
Grievance Handling Procedure ………………………………………………………………………………….. 44
Theoretical underpinning of the Study ………………………………………………………………………………….. 46
CHAPTER THREE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 48
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 48

3.1 Research Purpose
………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 49
3.2 Research Method ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 49
3.3 Research Philosophy ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 51
3.4 Research Strategy …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 52
3.5 Method for Collecting Data…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 53
Target Population
…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 55
3.7 Sampling Technique ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 56
Sample Size …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 56
3.8 Sampling Criteria …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 57
Method of Data Analysis
…………………………………………………………………………………………… 57
3.10 Moral Consideration ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 58
3.11 Research Limitation …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 59
CHAPTER FOUR …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 60
DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 60
4.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 60
CHAPTER FIVE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 75
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 75
Discussion of Findings ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 75
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 80
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 80
Recommendations …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 82
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 84
REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 87
QUESTIONNAIRE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 95

Table 4.1.1 ……………………………………………………………………… 65
Table 4.2.1 ……………………………………………………………………….66
Table 4.2.2 ………………………………………………………………………..66
Table 4.2.3 …………………………………………………………………………67

Table 4.2.4 …………………………………………………………………………68
Table 4.3.1 …………………………………………………………………………69
Table 4.3.2 ………………………………………………………………………….70
Table 4.3.3 …………………………………………………………………………71
Table 4.3.4 …………………………………………………………………………72
Table 4.3.5 …………………………………………………………………………72
Table 4.3.6 …………………………………………………………………………73
Table 4.3.7 …………………………………………………………………………74
Table 4.3.8 …………………………………………………………………………75
Table 4.3.9 …………………………………………………………………………75
Table 4.3.10 ……………………………………………………………………….76
Table 4.3.11 ……………………………………………………………………….77
Table 4.3.12 ………………………………………………………………………77
Table 4.3.13 ………………………………………………………………………78
Table 4.3.14 ………………………………………………………………………78
Table 4.3.15 ………………………………………………………………………79



Background to the Study
Given the many forms of diversity that exist in most multinational organizations, employee’s
dissatisfaction and conflict remains an inevitable aspect of industrial relation (Holt, 2005).
Although the concept of grievance has been described as a state of dissatisfaction or discontent on
the part of either labor or management, the major area of contention by organizational managers
remains the overall mechanism adopted by management in managing these conflicts (Prasadini,
2008). It is negative feeling which commonly finds expression in various forms ranging from
complaint to strike action or destructive reactions. Establishing a grievance practice that will give
employees the opportunity of filing their complaints is one of the steps an organisation might take.
For an organization to have meaningful productivity and improved labour management
relationship, it requires the design and adjustments of equitable grievance handling systems.
Grievance procedures are usually established in line with the principle of “due process”. This
guarantees the application of procedural justice and ethical decision making in an organization
(Jones, 2014).
Often seen as a system of communication between workers and managers, grievance handling
procedures provides an opportunity for employees to make complaints, inform managers about
malpractices whilst at the same time curbing absenteeism, strikes and other incidents that may lead
to poor business operations (Ivancevich, 2011). In other words, grievance procedures are the laid
down mechanisms through which workers’ grievances are dealt with or resolved. Different
organisations apply different grievance handling procedures as organisations have different

management structure and resources available. Organisations usually engage in an ‘open door
policy’ as this has proved to be an effective way of mininising grievances. This encourages upward
communication within an organisation. With this system, an employee can express their grievances
at any time to a manager or superior (Peterson & Lewin, 2010). Effective grievance handling is an
essential part of cultivating good employee relations and running a fair, successful, and productive
workplace (Daud, 2010).
In a diverse environment with conflicting socio-cultural perceptions which to a large extent
determines behavioral outcome, conflicts are often inevitable (Holt, 2005). Several studies have
been conducted on grievance handling procedures. For instance, Mohanasundaram and Saranya
(2013) conducted a study on employee grievances at Dharmapuri District Co-Operative Sugar
Mills Limited. They concluded that defining grievance is often difficult as it a ‘feeling of
discontent and unfairness which an employee has about his relationship with the employer’. They
also concluded that employees are more productive when they are fully satisfied with their working
environments and conditions (Ivancevich, 2011).
Likewise, Zulkiflee & Shakizah (2011) concluded that the grievance handling procedures used by
managers in a telecommunications company with branches located in Malaysia are integrating.
cooperating and dictating. Cristina and Aure (2011) in their study on managing employees’
grievances by employers observe that procedures “form the set of principles and rules which help
in employment relations and how they should be conducted to represent operational mechanisms
used by parties in treating many problems that arise every day.” Lawrence & Dwayne (2007) on
the other hand in their study concerning management of grievances intertwines to workplace
justice, explored the influence of workers’ demographic characteristics from their perceptions of
procedural justice from grievance management. Walker, et al., (2011) in their article of employee

and employer grievances observed that there has been a shift in approaching industrial conflicts
collectively for grievances between employee and employer.
Several factors motivate different people to work for an organisation over a period; one of which
might include the extent to which their grievances are handled. There are variables that will display
whether the employee’ grievances are tended to and unfathomed appropriately or not. The
components considered here incorporate the mindfulness of the issue, the mindfulness of the
representatives whom to report, the accessibility of the concerned individual, causes and impacts
etc. Even though several studies have been conducted on Grievance Management and Procedures,
this study was unique as it was conducted on a Private Group of Enterprises to probe into their
Grievance Management (Costantino, et al., 2016).
Given the increasing demand for management to power commitment in addition to organizational
productiveness, managers have come to terms with the impact of grievances and diversity on
organizational performance. Complaint controls in different surroundings is all about the
capability of management to effectively device methods and tactics that will be used in addressing
complaints when they arise. Employees’ grievances usually arise in areas like employment
contract, adherence to work ethics, rule or regulation, adherence to job policy or procedure,
employee’s health and safety regulation, organizational past practice against present realities,
diversified and changing cultural norms and values, victimization of individual employee,
inappropriate wage and bonus administration etc. Thus, the ability of management to show efforts
at effectively finding a solution to these grievances in the organization would go a long way in
enhancing employee’s performance and commitment in the organization (Zulkiflee, 2009). It is
against this background that the rest of the study would aim at evaluating the grievance handing
mechanism in a culturally diversified organization, a case study of Unilever plc.

Statement of Research Problem
Companies in these days face several challenges that mostly affect the working conditions of
employee and the way they perceive organizational effectiveness. Organisations need good
employee relations for effective performance and as such Grievances are usually considered a
problem or a challenge (Mohanasundaram & Saranya, 2013).
It was necessary to enhance understanding of the possible demographic moderators of the link
between workplace and job conditions and employee grievance filing which was for several
reasons critical in resolving conflict. (In his work the employee grievance filing remains a major
accomplishment of the system of industrial relations (Bamberger, et al., 2008). According to
Cristina & Aure (2011), they believed that effective grievances procedure ensures amiable work
environment that redresses grievances to mutual satisfaction of both managers and employees at
large. It helps the management to frame its policies and procedures to be acceptable to the
employees. It is a medium for the employees to express their feelings of discontent and
dissatisfaction openly and formally of which it promotes employees job performance (Lewis, et
al., 2007).
Grievances handling in most multinational organizations are by way of application of the open-
door policy, where in some instances managers may not share the view that there should be a
formal grievance handling procedure and the need to take grievances through a graduated series
of steps. By adopting this Policy, managers often have the opinions that there should be a general
offer to aggrieved employees to familiarly drop in any time to talk and express their grievances.
This Policy may not work to the advantage of the organization as this method is seen to be the
preserve of the top management which may not have the time for the many routine grievances,

which is the work of lower level managers. This policy most often bypasses the front-line
supervisor who understands his subordinates better and this provokes the supervisor who may
perceive the behavior of his superior to be disrespectful. Top management may be too unfamiliar
with the work situations to enable them to make informed decisions out of proper evaluation of
the information that it gets. The many levels between the operative employee and the top executive
of the organization may cause distortion, unfair standards, fading and delays on which complaints
are based (Kandula, 2010).
In most organizations, a grievance is arising between an employer and employee, among
employees, or between employer and labor unions which relates to the implied or explicit terms of
the employment agreement (Britton, 2012). The use of grievance procedure is intended to serve
the needs of both employers and employees (Jones, 2004).
Despite most multinational organizations having access to one of the best human resources and
managerial team, the management of employee grievance has remained a challenge, hence the
need for this study. This challenge has been evidenced by the fact that some employees have often
threatened to break their employment contract in order to work with other organizations while
others have decided to leave the organizations for other ventures. By all accounts, this situation
has been caused by employee dissatisfactions over how the supervisors manage their grievances.
In support of this observation, Kamoche (2007) found that the unsatisfactory performance of most
African private organizations is due to inappropriateness of management practice and weak
inefficient decision making. Various styles or approaches used in managing employee grievances
and performances in different organizations has not been adequate and encompassing enough. So
far, few studies comprising on workplace grievances and assessing discipline handling and
grievance management procedure have been conducted in multinational organizations used by

supervisors and managers in managing grievances and has raised criticism by their subordinates
or fellow employees (Danku & Apeletey, 2009, Aboagye & Benyebar, 2010). It has been observed
that improper or unsatisfactory handling of grievance in many organizations has caused high labor
or employee turnover, poor human relation and ineffective communication of objectives. It is
against this background that this study focuses on grievance handling procedures in a culturally
diversified organization.
Research Question
The understated questions would guide this study:
a. What form of grievance handling mechanism is effective in a culturally diversified
Research Aim and Objectives
The major aim of this study is to essentially examine grievance handling mechanisms in a
culturally diversified organization, a case study of Unilever. The study also intends to;
a. To examine the Grievance Management System practiced in a Unilever plc,
b. To ascertain why grievances has remained an inevitable aspect of multinational
c. To identify and examine employee’s perception about grievance handling procedures in
Unilever plc,
d. To determine the extent to which grievances are essential in achievement of organizational

Research Hypothesis
The study is guided by the following hypothesis;
HI: The grievance handling mechanism used in Unilever is effective enough

H0: The grievance handling mechanism used in Unilever is not effective enough

Scope and Limitation of Study
The conceptual scope covered in this study is the grievance handling mechanisms in a culturally
diversified organization. In addition the study would also look at the Grievance Management
System practiced in a Unilever plc, why grievances has remained an inevitable aspect of
multinational organizations, employees perception about grievance handling procedures in
Unilever plc, determine the extent to which grievances are essential in achievement of
organizational change, ascertain which form of grievance handling measure is more effective in
managing employee’s dissatisfactions in an organization.
The organizational and geographical scope for this study is Unilever Nigeria Plc, No. 1 billings
way, Oregun, Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria. The time scope for the study is from 2010 to 2017.
The study is however limited by the restrictions of the population to only employees of Unilever
Plc, which renders the findings, conclusions and recommendations applicable mainly to the similar
multinational organization but not all private companies. The unwillingness of some of the
respondents to provide needed information about the study affected the findings of the study.
Getting clearance from authorities to carry out the field work, some respondents not being
available for the interview due to work load and some respondents not able to provide answers to
all questions.
Significance of Study
Employee grievance is of great importance to the survival of any organization, hence the
undisputable need for this study. This is because grievances when not addressed will turn to have
a major effect on the organization. The aim of this study is to investigate grievance handling
procedures in a culturally diversified organization. The research would not only add to works that

have been done in this area, but also provoke further research into the grievance handling
procedures and its resultant effect on the achievement of the object of the organizations. It would
benefit the management of Unilever Plc in its effort to handling grievances and increasing
tranquility and cooperation among employees. It is assumed that this research will be a guide to
human resource managers as well as those who may have keen interest in handling grievances in
organizations. Employee grievance management is not a new concept in human resource
management even though many have not come to terms with it. As a crucial aspect of personnel
management, organizations (public and private) have started showing interest on how it can be
used to increase the performance of the employees. The findings of this study would therefore be
very useful to different stakeholders in the private sector. More specifically, the following
categories of people will benefit:
The organizational managers will benefit from the report of the study because it will highlight the
areas of urgent attention and give insight into how to repackage the needed incentives in order to
make them more effective in motivating the staff.
ii. The human resources managers will by the findings of this study design a better and more
responsive ways of addressing nagging issue on better conditions of service which has lingered for
so long. This will make the employees less agitated and the desired harmonious work environment
necessary for improved performance will be achieved.
iii. The employees will by the findings of this study know how to imbibe the spirit of give and take
built on mutual understanding that is needed in industrial relations.
iv. The employees will be empowered through the implementation of the recommendations to
effectively facilitate the provision of services to both the internal and external stakeholders in the
organization as expected and beyond.

v. Researchers who want to carry out further studies in this area will find the report very useful
because it will provide them with basic information necessary for taking-off.
Research Methodology
The study will utilize the qualitative and quantitative research methodology. The primary and the
secondary sources of data collection will be adopted in sourcing information for this study. The
primary data will include the use of questionnaire. The questionnaires will be distributed among
the staff and management of Unilever plc Lagos Nigeria for the purpose of gathering information
on the impact of grievance handling mechanism in a culturally diverse organization; their views
will be gathered through questionnaires.
The secondary data will also be adopted in our research. The secondary source of data collection
will involve the gathering of information from an already processed source, i.e. through the work
previously done by other person, which has some direct or indirect correlations with our current
research (Moti, 2000). These will involve data from paper presentations, published articles,
conferences presided over by educational administrators, and subsequent documents relating to
the impact of grievance handling mechanism in a culturally diverse organization. Tables and charts
were utilized in analyzing the demographics of respondents. Hypotheses were analyzed using chi-
square. Similarly, secondary data were analyzed using content analysis.
Organization of Study
The research is a six-chapter dissertation. Chapter one is organized as follows: Chapter one will
contain introduction, statement of problem, hypothesis, scope and limitation, significance of the
study, methodology, organization of the study, etc.
Chapter two will include review of literature on human resource management and organizational
effectiveness in Nigeria as the case study used is of a company in Nigeria. Chapter three provides

insight into the research methodology which entails, the introduction, source of data, population
of study, sample size and sampling technique, method of data collection and method of data
Chapter four dwells on the data presentation and analysis including test of hypothesis. Chapter five
will constitute the discussions of the findings and chapter six will be the conclusion and


Given the highly changing nature of most organizations, organizational hierarchies are always
seeking for strategies to cope with these changing needs in order not to windup as well as improve
its existing strategies (Adebisi, 2014). Also, with the ever growing internal and external factors
which impact on organizational process, management are continuously faced with the function of
continuously identifying ways through which it can select the best workforce, manage and ensure
the organizational working environment is conducive enough to accommodate the diversities that
may characterize different strata of workers (Adomi, 2015).
Most especially associated with multinational organizations, the human resources operating in
these organizations mostly cut across different age, gender, religion, culture, and nationalities.
These distinguishing factors most often than not impact on the organizational process, thereby
resulting in the need for management to identify measures aimed at managing the negative effects
of this on the entire organizational process (Akanji, 2015).
Managing the organizational workforces is a very important and complex task which necessitates
the managerial action at ensuring that the various interest, compliant, as well as observations of
the members of the workforce is incorporated in the entire management decision process as a way
of ensuring that equity and equality in the treatment of all staff is achieved. In making managerial
decisions concerning selection, placement, training, development as well as performance, it’s
expected that managerial decision should be fair and equitable in order to reduce the tendencies of
grievances and conflict within the organization. With the growing dynamism of most
organizational processes, these changes have impacted on the employees who need to be

considered by the entire management of the organization. The major rationale for this is
unconnected to the rising effect of globalization as well as trade openness and other benefits of
international trade. These various factors have presented a scenario whereby people work in places
alien to their fundamental cultures, religious belief, political system, thereby creating the need for
advanced organizational approaches at ensuring that these organizational demands are attended to.
It should be further noted that the outcome of globalization has increased the instances where
people migrate to other countries and continents apart from their region in search of economic
opportunities. Hence organizational process needs to be understood in the light of increasing
external and internal environmental organizational factors which determine the actions and
inactions of employee within the system (Mazur, 2010).
Globalization has also resulted in situations where individuals living in different environments are
exposed to working with co-staff speaking different languages as well as exhibiting different life
styles (Tong, 2013). Therefore, given the need for management to ensure that these very many
organizational differences do not deter its efforts at achieving the major organization goals, there
is need for management to structure organizational processes in order to achieve these goals. Also,
the nature and goals of the organization determines the employee composition of an organization.
Organizations with high demand for expansion must strategies in order to structure it to
accommodate the exigencies of diversities which are occasioned by the need to sources for
employees with cutting edge skill, competencies, knowledge, as well as the required attributes to
meet up with the organizational needs. Hence it can be argued that the need to search for talents
as well as achievement of organizational goals remains the major determinant of workforce
diversity in any organization. Since the need for diversities cannot be avoided, management of

most multinational organization has realized the need to situate itself in order to effectively manage
the emerging issue and trends of diversity (Jones & George, 2012).
Similarly, the various differentiating factors among staff in a highly diversified organization
sometimes breed tendencies of conflicts, emanating from poor understanding of the managerial
peculiarities as well as interpersonal relationship skill needed to manage the divergent culture,
languages and lifestyles of these groups. Thus, these differentiating factors have increased the
tendencies of conflict especially as it concerns the inability of management to ensure that fairness
and equity is respect in the organization. Especially as it concerns group and team work, conflict
is mostly prevalent owing to the fact that most of the employees feel restricted as it concerns the
full expression of themselves (Hotepo, Asokere, Abdul-Azeez and Ajemunigbohun, 2010).
The impact of poor management of organizational grievance in the form of conflict is endemic.
Although most organization has laid down procedure to enable them in managing the conflict of
interest that may arise, the major argument lies with the effectiveness of management’s grievance
handling procedure in ensuring that peace and work place harmony is maintained in the
organization. As deduced in previous studies most organizational management has identified the
fact that most grievance handling procedures are one sided and does not take into consideration
the issues of diversities among the various employees. Several organizational grievances handling
procedure has not been updates in line with the current organizational need, thereby resulting in
many unresolved conflict, grievance and observation by the employees in the process of carrying
out their jobs. Most grievance handling mechanism does not create opportunities for corrections,
rewards as well as effective punishment (Osad and Osas, 2013).
The concept of work place conflict entails the presence of discord among the individuals working
in an organization which could be as a result of lack of interpersonal relationship skill, poor value

system as well as diversities in life style (Kazimoto, 2013). The cases of organizational grievances
are many and it affects the very managerial structure and team performances in the workplace
either competing for control of power, recognition or jobs within the workplace (Adomie and Anie,
2015). It however behooves on management to ensure that these conflict and grievances are
addresses in order not to interfere or impact negatively on the achievement of organizational goal.
Thus, it can be rightly held that effective management of organizational process can only be
achieved in the light of peaceful and cooperative interpersonal relationship with co employee
(Akanji, 2015).
An effective grievance handling procedure does not only improve employees inter personal
relationship with co employee; rather it results in the overall improved performance outcome in
the organization. Therefore, it’s very essential for management to increases measures at ensuring
an efficient process of organizational performance and outcome is to be achieved (Obasan, 2012).
Hence, it’s on the premise of the above introduction that the rest of the study intends to address
the increasing challenges which poor grievance management procedures portends for an
organization, especially in organization with highly diverse workforces. In this regards several
many literature works has been conducted which are mainly aimed towards addressing the concept,
trend, types and effect of grievance handling procedure on employee’s performance especially
within a highly diversified organization. The remaining section of this chapter is geared towards
addressing the mixture of empirical arguments and literatures on the concept of organizational
grievances, conflict management, and diversity management as well as the overall effect of these
variables on the entire organizational process, performances and profitability.


Conceptual Review
This section aims basically at identifying the major variables which will constitute the major
concept that will form the underlining basis for this study. Therefore, the concept diversity, work
place conflict etc. would be analyzed under this section.
2.2.1 Diversity
The concept of diversity remains one of the emerging concepts that have received much attention
emanating from the need for cutting edge knowledge as well as human resource talent hunt.
Therefore, the concept of diversity has been defined in many ways (Mendenhall, Osland, 2015).
The concept of diversity has been defined in terms of various differentiating factors which can
constitute dimensions such as nationality, education, age, gender, ethnicity as well as work place
status which results in peculiarities among various employees in the organization. Hence Kreitz
(2014) stated that diversity basically entails “any significant difference that distinguishes one
individual from another”. The above definition therefore constitutes a differentiating factor which
separates an employee from the order. In a similar vein Ely and Thomas (2013) defined employee’s
diversity as “a characteristic of groups of two or more people and typically refers to demographic
differences of one sort or another among group members.” This situation therefore enhances the
peculiarities among various employees in the organization which goes a long way in determining
the lifestyle and behavioral dispositions of this employee in an organization (Loden, 2011).
Hence the concept of diversity defines the pattern and natures of interpersonal relationship as well
as outcome of team cooperation. Most theoretical analysis on the concept of diversity has mainly
focused on analyzing the dynamics of social identity as well as social categorization within team
relations (Tajfel & Turner, 2016). In the same light some other studies have analyzed the concept

of diversity based on surface-level traits which determines behavioral pattern in the organization
(Harrison, Price, & Bell, 2013).
Most contemporary studies on the concept of organizational diversities majorly center on factors
such as ethnicity as well as nationality which impacts on employees’ traits within the
organizational system. The various dimensions of diversities in the organization have both on
group and individual consequences on the entire organizational performance structure. Beyond the
ethnic and nationality differences that impact on employees’ behaviors within the organization,
cultural diversities also to a great extent determines employee’s disposition in an organization.
Diversities may also result in either positive or negative consequences such as employee
discrimination, tendencies of employment disparities, employees stereotyping, innovation,
creativity, as well as conflicts or grievances in the organization (Krell & Wächter, 2016).
Studies have identified the various positive effects of diversity in the organization such as diverse
opinions and ideas for improved team performances. Hence analyzing the impact of diversity as it
concerns big and small groups shows that larger team with highly diversified staff often perform
more than small teams under certain conditions, which is mostly as a result of the availability
creative minds (Fujimoto, Härtel, & Härtel, 2014; Podsiadlowski, 2012; Stahl, Maznevski, Voigt,
& Jonsen, 2013).
Teams with diverse membership backgrounds are often open to diverse perspectives in solving of
group task as well as enhanced accessibility to creative performance (Williams & O’Reilly, 2015).
This process often results in increasing job satisfactions as well a more productive outputs
emanating from the availability of ease in problem solving in the workplace (Podsiadlowski,

Diversity especially employee’s diversity presents many advantages especially in relating with
various customers prevalent within the industry, therefore the need for management to attract and
retain diverse employees as a very essential business process. However, in ensuring that diversities
are adequately imbibed in the organization, there is need for management to take into
considerations social inequalities which has the potential of breeding conflict within the
organization. Hence the various divergent argument on organizational diversity, especially as it
concerns positive and negative sides, its therefore essential for management to identify various
approaches at managing diversities in the organization. As rightly stated by O’Reilly et al, “A
group is diverse if it is composed of individuals who differ on a characteristic on which they base
their own social identity” (O’Reilly, Williams, & Barsade 2012).
Hence management of diversity within the organization requires acceptance as well as respect for
differentiating factors amongst the human resources. Acceptance and respect border on the need
for employees to identify or recognize the individual differences among their fellow employee as
well as embrace these differences especially as it concerns the positive aspects of these diversities.
Employee’s diversities can tilt along dimensions of race, gender differences, ethnicity and
nationality, sexual and diverse social orientation, economic and work place experiences, physical
abilities and religious beliefs, age, ideological and political beliefs etc. (Jack & Dobbin, 2015).
Generally, the concept of diversity implies differences that separate one employee from another
when explained in the context of an organization (The Law Society of Scotland, 2013). Hence this
heterogeneous workforce dynamism within the workforce determines the interactive systems of
among staffs in a multi-dimensional activity. Management of organizational diversity entail
practical measures aimed at identifying how to relate with the employees’ differences especially
as it concerns the conditions and qualities of organizational process (Cleff, Harrison, 2013).

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