9812_Effect of cooperation on players’ immersion and enjoyment


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Spring 2016
Effect of cooperation on players’ immersion and enjoyment
Effect of cooperation on players’ immersion and enjoyment
Lakshmi Sushma Daggubati
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Daggubati, Lakshmi Sushma, “Effect of cooperation on players’ immersion and enjoyment” (2016).
Masters Theses. 7499.
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Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree



Approved by

Dr. Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah
Dr. Keng Siau
Dr. Richard Hall

 2016
Lakshmi Sushma Daggubati
All Rights Reserved

This research examines the effect of cooperative versus non-cooperative game
play on immersion and enjoyment in online games. It draws on the self-determination
theory to generate the research hypotheses and explain the observed phenomenon. A
within-subject experimental design (N=38) was used to evaluate the effects of
cooperative versus non-cooperative game play on enjoyment and immersion by having
participants play in a manipulated game mode in a controlled gaming environment. The
participants’ subjective responses were assessed to understand their user experience in
cooperative and non-cooperative gaming environments. The results suggest that both
immersion and enjoyment were significantly enhanced in cooperative game play.

Keywords: Cooperation, Immersion, Enjoyment, and Self-determination Theory

First of all, I would like to convey my wholehearted gratitude to my advisor, Dr.
Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, for her continuous support, guidance, enthusiasm, and patience
throughout this research. Her encouragement gave me the freedom to explore on my own,
and her guidance assisted me in recovering from my mistakes. It has been a great
experience working with her and I have learned a lot under her supervision. Also, it has
been a pleasurable experience to become one of her co-authors for a paper presented at
the 2015 HCI International Conference and published in the Lecture Notes for Computer
Science. I look forward to having more publications from this thesis and other
collaborative research work.
Aside from my advisor, I would like to thank my thesis committee members, Dr.
Keng Siau and Dr. Richard Hall, for their insightful comments, support, and challenging
I thank my fellow research students, Sri Chaitanya Sanaboina and Samuel Smith,
for assisting me with the experiment for this research. In addition, many friends have
offered intellectual and emotional support to help me overcome obstacles and stay
focused on my graduate studies. I greatly value their friendship and I deeply appreciate
their belief in me.
Last but not the least, I would also like to thank my mom, elder brother, and my
uncle. They were always encouraging me with their best wishes, and supported me.


……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ……………………………………………………………………………………. iv
……………………………………………………………………………….. vii
…………………………………………………………………………………………….. viii
………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
………………………………………………………………………………. 3
…………………………………………… 3
2.2. PRIOR RESEARCH ON IMMERSION …………………………………………………… 4
……………………………………….. 6
3.1. TRANSPORTATION THEORY……………………………………………………………… 6
3.2. SELF-DETERMINATION THEORY………………………………………………………. 7
3.3. HYPOTHESIS GENERATION ………………………………………………………………. 8
3.3.1. Cooperation and Immersion …………………………………………………………… 8
3.3.2. Cooperation and Enjoyment
…………………………………………………………… 9
3.3.3. Immersion and Enjoyment. ………………………………………………………….. 10
4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ………………………………………………………………….. 12
4.1. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN …………………………………………………………………. 12
………………………………………………………………… 12
4.3. MEASUREMENT ……………………………………………………………………………….. 13
4.3.1. Cooperation Orientations Scale
…………………………………………………….. 14
4.3.2. Immersion.
…………………………………………………………………………………. 14
4.3.3. Enjoyment …………………………………………………………………………………. 15 Cooperation manipulation check …………………………………………15 Subject background questionnaire ……………………………………….16
4.4. PILOT TESTS …………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
5. DATA ANALYSIS …………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
5.1. MEASUREMENT VALIDATION ………………………………………………………… 17

5.2.1. Immersion.
…………………………………………………………………………………. 20
5.2.2. Enjoyment. ………………………………………………………………………………… 20
5.2.3. Immersion on Enjoyment. ……………………………………………………………. 20
6. DISCUSSIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
7. LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH ……………………………………………….. 23
8. CONCLUSIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
A. COUNTER-STRIKE GAME COMMANDS…………………………………………………. 25
B. PRACTICE INSTRUCTIONS …………………………………………………………………….. 27
…………………………………………………….. 29
……………………………………………………… 31
……………………………………………………. 33
………………………………………………………………………………………………. 37
VITA ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 42



Figure 3.1 Research Model ………………………………………………………………………………….. 11


Table 4.1. Measurement Scale for Cooperation Orientation …………………………………….. 14
Table 4.2. Measurement Items for Immersion
………………………………………………………… 15
Table 4.3. Measurement Items for Enjoyment………………………………………………………… 15
Table 4.4. Measurement Scale for Cooperation Manipulation Check
………………………… 16
Table 5.1. Results of Factor Analysis for No Cooperation
……………………………………….. 18
Table 5.2. Results of Factor Analysis for Cooperation
…………………………………………….. 18
Table 5.3. Paired Samples Tests …………………………………………………………………………… 19
Table 5.4. Descriptive Statistics……………………………………………………………………………. 19
Table 5.5. ANOVA Results ………………………………………………………………………………… 21
Table 5.6 Results of Hypotheses Testing
……………………………………………………………….. 21

Research in the field of game science is emerging. Past research on digital games
has concentrated mainly on the adverse effects of gaming, such as gaming addiction
(Grüsser, Thalemann, & Griffiths, 2007) and violent content and its impact (Bushman &
Anderson, 2002). The focus of the current research is to understand the critical aspects of
gameplay experience (Takatalo et al., 2008). Understanding subjective user experience,
such as immersion, has become an important aspect in gaming research (Jennett et al.,
2008). One of the important requirements for any game to become a success is to draw
people into the game, i.e., the game has to be immersive.
An increasing body of research is focusing on factors that contribute to enjoyment
in video games, generally as a part of research based on motivations that can influence
game play (Hartmann & Klimmt, 2006; Wood, Griffiths, Chappell, & Davies, 2004). As
games are a common entertainment medium, it is important to understand the factors that
make players’ experience enjoyable, as they are essential for answering larger questions
about why and when people play games. Despite the importance of identifying and
understanding factors influencing players’ enjoyment in online gaming, comparatively
fewer research has focused specifically on the effects of multiplayer factors such as

In this research, a laboratory experiment was conducted to understand the effect
of cooperative versus non-cooperative game play on user experience in terms of
immersion and enjoyment in the context of first person shooter gaming. Specifically, we
are interested in studying if cooperation in online gaming increases players’ sense of
immersion and enjoyment. Non-cooperative first person shooter gaming served as the

control condition. In this research, we report our findings on the effect of cooperation on
game immersion and enjoyment in the context of a first person shooter game.
This paper is organized as follows. First, the literature review is presented which
is followed by the theoretical foundation and the hypotheses. Next, the research
methodology is described, after which the findings are presented and discussed. Finally,
the limitations and directions for future research are also highlighted.


Cooperation, either with computer agents or human players to achieve a collective
goal, has very little research devoted to it (Peng & Hsieh, 2012). In a cooperative play,
subjects play collaboratively to achieve the collective task of outperforming an opponent
(Schmierbach, Xu, Oeldorf-Hirsch, & Dardis, 2012). Players can also cooperate with a
computer agent or environment in video games (Waddell & Peng, 2014). In this study,
the focus is on understanding the players’ experience in terms of immersion and
enjoyment of individuals in a team. As cooperation is a part of our daily tasks, it is
essential to examine user experience in such scenarios.
Numerous studies (Przybylski, Rigby, & Ryan, 2010; Tamborini et al., 2011; Yee,
2006b) have demonstrated that, whenever social elements are available, players are
drawn to them and the kind of interaction that takes place is crucial for motivation
(Schmierbach et al., 2012). According to self-determination theory, relatedness is a basic
need that can provide enjoyment when it is fulfilled (Przybylski et al., 2010). A previous
study has demonstrated that playing a game with a human player generated greater
feelings of relatedness that in turn was associated with enjoyment (Reinecke et al., 2012).
Also, social motivations are noted as key underlying reasons for playing massively
multiplayer online games (MMOGs) (Yee, 2006b). Likewise, another study has
demonstrated that social interaction is more prevalent in MMOGs and contributed to
enjoyment (Cole & Griffiths, 2007).
However, no research has focused on understanding immersion and enjoyment in
cooperation. This question is important to understand whether cooperation or non-

cooperation creates greater level of user experience. Specifically, the objective of this
research is to study the effects of cooperation on online game players’ immersion and

A primary motivation underlying playing video games is the pleasure of being
immersed in a mediated world (Weibel & Wissmath, 2011). A survey based study
conducted by (Yee, 2006a) evaluated experiences and motivations of 30,000 gamers. He
found that people play video games because they like to be immersed in a fictional world.
When a player is immersed in a game, his or her connection with the outside
world of the game vanishes and instead, his or her connection focuses within the magic
circle boundaries in which the game is played as the present ‘real world’ of the gamer.
Presence, which is the sense of being present in one environment when physically located
in another environment (Witmer & Singer, 1998), is often used as a metric to assess this
phenomenon in the case of computer games.
Immersion into a virtual environment is often described as presence; whereas
flow refers to an experience of being completely involved in a certain task (Weibel,
Wissmath, Habegger, Steiner, & Groner, 2008). The flow concept concentrates more on
the characteristics of the task, but the presence concept is more focused on a medium’s
technological characteristics. An eye-tracking study has provided a more objective
approach to study immersion by demonstrating that there is a decrease in eye movements
when players are highly immersed (Jennett et al., 2008).

From the perspective of technology, the sense of immersion is closely related to
presence. Presence is defined as the feeling of being present in a virtual environment (Slater,
Usoh, & Steed, 1994). Such feelings can be generated through an individual’s digital
representation of himself/herself in a virtual environment. In the case of computer games, this
would usually be a first-person shooter game, such as Call of Duty: Black Ops or Counter-
Strike. In first-person shooter games, players perceive themselves to be immersed in a virtual
environment (as if it were their physical environment) where they could navigate to explore
it, search for enemies, and kill the enemies (Cairns, Cox, & Nordin, 2014).


The aim of this research is to understand the effects of cooperative gameplay on
immersion and enjoyment. To generate hypotheses for this research, we draw on
transportation theory to explain immersion in a cooperative gaming environment and
self-determination theory to explain enjoyment. Our research model is shown at the end
of this section in Figure 3.1.

Theoretically, transportation into a narrative world refers to being completely
engaged in a task, resulting in the combination of imagery, attention and feelings (Green
& Brock, 2002). Transportation theory proposes that the experience of intense
involvement can alter a person’s beliefs and attitudes (Green, Brock, & Kaufman, 2004).
The underlying mechanism of transportation reduces individuals’ negative cognitive
responses. Hence, it is very unlikely that individuals counter-argue or disbelieve narrative
claims, and thus their beliefs might be influenced (Ping, Goh, & Teo, 2010). Narrative
experiences are led by transportation that seem like real experiences. Moreover,
transportation has the capability to produce greater feelings concerning other characters
in narratives that may have been enhanced.
Although transportation theory was proposed in the context of narratives or
written materials, it has also been used in other contexts such as to understand
participation in offering narrative information and the degree to which they are or can be
comprehended from a range of media content including virtual reality simulations and
video games (Green et al., 2004). The transformative potential of transportation also

applies in digital interactive media such as online digital games because players in such
environments are given flexibility to place themselves in the context of interactive
narration which allows players to go beyond their role as a passive audience (Ping et al.,
2010). Previous research describes the achievement of transportation experience in the
context of online virtual worlds as being similar to telepresence in the information
systems literature where individuals focus on the mediated or virtual environment to the
degree that their physical environment is forgotten and their stimulus field is narrowed
only to the virtual environment (Nah, Eschenbrenner, & DeWester, 2011). Another
research argued that transportation experience is an experience of much greater intensity
than a telepresence experience, and that transportation is more than the sense of just
being present in a virtual environment (Ping et al., 2010). Individuals who experience
transportation are not only present but also extremely engaged and involved in a
pleasurable manner with the narrative components in a virtual environment to the degree
that the players may feel as if they are part of a narrative (Green et al., 2004).

The self-determination theory (SDT) states that motivation can be affected by
certain social contexts that satisfy basic needs such as competence, autonomy, and
relatedness (Ryan & Deci, 2000b). People tend to be motivated to carry out activities that
fulfill these necessities. Research has shown that players’ self-determination needs can be
satisfied by videogames (Ryan, Rigby, & Przybylski, 2006). Videogames are intrinsically
motivating. In SDT, intrinsic motivation is defined as performing an action or behavior
because it is inherently enjoyable or interesting (Ryan & Deci, 2000a). Though

individuals may have tendencies for intrinsic motivation, conditions need to maintain its
refinement and continuation (Ryan & Deci, 2000a).

This section will draw on the theoretical foundation reviewed earlier to generate
hypotheses for this research.
3.3.1. Cooperation and Immersion. Individuals involved in an activity must be
highly engaged to experience transportation (Wang & Calder, 2006). Consumption of
media content such as playing games generally includes a higher engagement level in the
entertainment process and this process is perceived as enjoyable and pleasurable by the
game players (Brock & Livingston, 2004). As a result, players are kept in a situation that
makes them more likely to be transported into the narrative world. Enabling a player to
experience the feeling of “immersion” in the online gaming environment often described
as presence is one of the most discussed and valued construct within the gaming industry
(Ryan et al., 2006). Video games have the ability to offer a high level of immersive
experience, enabling the gamer to perceive a strong sense of presence in the gaming
environment where an illusion of nonmediation is created between the gaming context
and the player through a sense of immersion. Thus, players get the sense of directly being
present in the virtual environment (Lombard & Ditton, 1997).
The degree to which online games satisfy motivational needs is one of the major
predictors of presence (Przybylski et al., 2010). Presence is associated with how a game
play can satisfy psychological needs (Ryan et al., 2006). A study has shown that video
games that have the ability to fulfill the needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness

can greatly enhance a player’s feeling of immersion, both across various game contents
(Przybylski, Ryan, & Rigby, 2009) and game types (Ryan et al., 2006). According to self-
determination theory, relatedness is one of the basic psychological needs that increases
intrinsic motivation. When an individual is connected with others, he or she experiences
relatedness (La Guardia, Ryan, Couchman, & Deci, 2000). Players are more embedded in
the physical, emotional, and narrative aspects of the game environment if their needs are
satisfied within the game (Przybylski et al., 2010). Thus, while cooperating with others in
a game, individuals are more connected with others and they experience relatedness
which is one of the basic psychological needs that increases the sense of immersion.
Hence, we propose that:
H1: Cooperation increases immersion.
3.3.2. Cooperation and Enjoyment. Interpersonal relatedness is one of the basic
psychological needs (Deci & Ryan, 1985; Ryan et al., 2006) and it has the capability to
enhance an individual’s intrinsic motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2000b). Motivation can be
enhanced by relatedness (Ryan et al., 2006). Individuals experience relatedness when
they perceive they are connected with others (La Guardia et al., 2000; Ryan & Deci,
2001). Hence, SDT suggests that if people work together in teams, their involvement and
motivation are enhanced (Ryan et al., 2006).
In addition, transportation theory suggests that enjoyment increases by enabling
individuals to connect with others (Green et al., 2004). Individuals who are transported
feel as if they are familiar with the characters in media and may think about these
characters as if they are real people (Green et al., 2004). Characters that are sympathetic
may come to seem like friends (Green & Brock, 2000). As individuals become more

involved in a narrative environment, they may develop a strong sense of familiarity or
connection with characters that they come across continually over time (Green et al.,
2004). Enjoyment is strengthened by a basic desire of humans — in this case their
relatedness need or a need for connectedness (Baumeister & Leary, 1995; Green et al.,
In a cooperative gaming environment, players coordinate with others to achieve
their goals and they experience relatedness during cooperative game play. Relatedness
has emerged as an important factor in promoting satisfaction which in turn enhances
game enjoyment (Ryan et al., 2006). Similarly, another study has demonstrated that
individuals working together experienced greater enjoyment than individuals working
alone (Walker, 2010). Hence, we propose that:
H2: Cooperation increases enjoyment.
3.3.3. Immersion and Enjoyment. Transportation theory suggests that
immersion plays a crucial role in enjoyment and enjoyment can be created or destroyed
by the characteristics of a game (Brown & Cairns, 2004).Transportation theory explains
that enjoyment can be increased by the sense of immersive experiences in narrative
environments (Green et al., 2004). Previous research demonstrated six notions of
presence, and immersion is considered as presence where enjoyment is the consequence
(Lombard & Ditton, 1997). Enjoyment and presence have been shown to be associated
with each other (Weibel et al., 2008). Such immersion can enhance a sense of
engagement in the gaming world that leads to enjoyment (Chen, Yen, Hung, & Huang,
2008; Nah et al., 2011) . Thus, we propose that:
H3: Immersion leads to enjoyment.

Figure 3.1 Research Model


For this study, we used a within-subject experimental design. The independent
variable, no cooperation vs. cooperation, is a within-subject factor. A within-subject
factor is one where the same group of subjects experience all levels of that factor. Since
one of the goals of this study is to assess the effect of individual versus cooperative game
play, it is more appropriate to operationalize cooperation as a within-subject factor so
subjects serve as their own control. However, we counterbalanced the order of these two
game play among subjects. In line with the goal of random assignment, we assigned
subjects to the individual or cooperation condition (i.e., with and without cooperation) as
their first experimental condition by alternating between these two conditions for every
subsequent subject in order to control for any potential ordering effects in the study.
After a comprehensive review and thorough search of first person shooter games,
we identified Counter-Strike as an appropriate game that fits our research purpose. The
reasons for choosing this game are: (1) it has the flexibility to enable us to manipulate
individual and cooperative game play, (2) the gaming environment can be controlled, i.e.,
the researcher has the flexibility to limit the number of players in each team, (3) the
ability to view the game as a spectator, and (4) the ability to select or specify the
difficulty level.

This research study was conducted in a university computer lab. The research
procedures are as follows: The subjects were asked to fill out a pre-study questionnaire to

capture their cooperation orientation scale (see Table 4.1). They were then provided with
training on the game, Counter-strike. We provided a cheat sheet that showed the basic
commands of the game to the subjects (Appendix A). The subjects were asked to read the
instructions (Appendix B) and completed a 10-minute training session to practice playing
Counter-strike with the specified console. Next, they read instructions about gaming
session 1 (Appendix C), which is the first experimental condition they were assigned to.
They then completed gaming session 1 which is followed by a questionnaire. The
condition associated with gaming session 1 depends upon the order of participation of the
subject. All odd-numbered subjects began with the no cooperation condition whereas all
even-numbered subjects began with the cooperation condition. After the subjects
completed gaming session 1 and the questionnaire following the session, they were then
assigned to gaming session 2, which refers to a different condition from gaming session
1. Similarly, the subjects read instructions prior to gaming session 2 (Appendix D) and a
questionnaire was administered after the subjects completed gaming session 2.
In short, some subjects were assigned to play the cooperation game condition
followed by individual game condition, whereas other subjects were assigned to
individual game condition followed by cooperation game condition. After playing each
session, they filled out a questionnaire to assess their sense of immersion and enjoyment.

We used the pre-study questionnaire to assess the subjects’ cooperation
orientation, and the post-study questionnaire to assess immersion, enjoyment, cooperation
manipulation check, and background and demographic information of the subjects.

4.3.1. Cooperation Orientations Scale. The cooperation orientation scale was
captured to understand the general tendency of the subjects to cooperate (see Table 4.1).
The measurement scale for cooperation orientation scale was adopted from Chen, Xie, &
Chang (2011) for measuring disposition differences among people. They included items
such as “It is important to coordinate with others in this game.” Subjects answered on a
7-point Likert scale (strongly disagree = 1 to strongly agree = 7).

Table 4.1. Measurement Scale for Cooperation Orientation

Measurement Items

1. It is a pleasure for me to work with others.
2. Working with others helps me to improve performance.
3. It is essential for me to think from others’ perspectives at work.
4. It is important to take both my and others’ interest into
consideration at work.
5. One must work with others to succeed.

4.3.2. Immersion. The measurement scale for immersion was adopted from
(Agarwal & Karahanna, 2000) for measuring the subjective responses of players’
experience of immersion (see Table 4.2). They included items such as “I was able to
block out other distractions”, “I was absorbed in what I was doing” and, “I was immersed
in the task and activities I was performing.” Subjects answered on a 7-point Likert scale
(strongly disagree = 1 to strongly agree = 7).


Table 4.2. Measurement Items for Immersion

Measurement Items

1. While playing this game, I was able to block out other distractions.
2. While playing this game, I was absorbed in what I was doing. (IMM2)
3. While playing this game, I was immersed in the task and activities I
was performing. (IMM3)

4.3.3. Enjoyment. The measurement scale for enjoyment was adopted from
(Agarwal & Karahanna, 2000) for measuring the subjective responses of players’
experience of enjoyment (see Table 4.3). They included items such as “I had fun playing
this game”, “Playing this game gave me enjoyment.” and, “I enjoyed playing this game.”
Subjects answered on a 7-point Likert scale (strongly disagree = 1 to strongly agree = 7). Cooperation manipulation check. The manipulation check questions for
cooperation were developed by the researcher (see Table 4.4). The basic idea to include
these questions is to assess whether the experimental manipulations were successful, i.e.,
effective. They included items such as “I tried to cooperate with someone during the
game” and “When I played this game, I tried to outperform others.” Subjects rated their
responses on a 7-point Likert scale (strongly disagree = 1 to strongly agree = 7).

Table 4.3. Measurement Items for Enjoyment

Measurement Items

1. I had fun playing this game. (ENJ1)
2. Playing this game gave me enjoyment. (ENJ2)
3. I enjoyed playing this game. (ENJ3)

Table 4.4. Measurement Scale for Cooperation Manipulation Check

Measurement Items
1. When I played this game, I was cooperating with someone.
2. When I played this game, someone cooperated with me.
3. I tried to cooperate with someone during the game.
4. When I played this game, I worked with someone to achieve the
goal. Subject background questionnaire. The background questionnaire
included participant demographics (e.g., gender, age, education), and gaming habits (e.g.,
how often participants play games and the number of hours per week spent playing

We conducted two pilot studies to test the instruments, the game software, and the
experimental procedures. The first pilot study was used to fine-tune and assess the
measurement items, where items that were not good were dropped from the study. The
second pilot study was used to fine-tune the experimental setup, procedures and gaming
software. Based on feedback from the pilot studies, we adjusted and made changes to the
measurement items, experimental procedures and the gaming software. For example, we
added instructions in Qualtrics for participants to switch to the respective gaming session
after completing each set of questionnaire and reduced the time frame of each gaming
session from 15 minutes to 10 minutes.

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