10927_Recruitment Process Outsourcing – A new type of service provider

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Amita Betgerikar
Recruitment Process Outsourcing:
MBA in Human Resource
Amita Betgerikar (10035589)
Submitted to Dublin Business School in partial
for the degree of Masters of Business Administration
Word count: 19,455
Recruitment Process Outsourcing: A new type of
service provider
MBA in Human Resource
Amita Betgerikar (10035589)
Submitted to Dublin Business School in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the degree of Masters of Business Administration
(Human Resource)
May 2015
Page 1
A new type of
fulfilment of the requirements
May 2015
Amita Betgerikar
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I hereby declare that this thesis is my own work and has not being submitted
before, in whole or in part to any examination or degree at any institution.
Information taken from published and unpublished work has been
acknowledged in the text and list of references given in the bibliography.
Signature: ……………………………………….
Date: …………………………………………….
Amita Betgerikar
Page 3
1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
The concept of recruitment process outsourcing………………………………………….. 12
1.2 Research Gap and Research Objective…………………………………………………………….. 13
Research question………………………………………………………………………………….. 14
Proposed structure for this research………………………………………………………….. 15
2. Literature review………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
Primary stream ……………………………………………………………………………………… 17
Secondary supportive Stream ……………………………………………………………….. 19
Recruitment………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20
E-recruitment …………………………………………………………………………………….. 24
Social recruitment ………………………………………………………………………………. 25
International Recruitment ……………………………………………………………………. 26
2.3 Human Resources Outsourcing……………………………………………………………………… 27
2.3.1 HRO vendor selection and management……………………………………………………….. 29
Risks related to HRO……………………………………………………………………………. 32
2.4 Recruitment Process Outsourcing ………………………………………………………………….. 34
2.4.1 The Process of Recruitment Process Outsourcing……………………………………………. 35
Recruiting Process Outsourcing Advantages…………………………………………….. 36
Recruitment Process Outsourcing Disadvantages ……………………………………… 39
Summary of factors influencing recruitment outsourcing …………………………… 40
2.5 Supportive streams of literature……………………………………………………………………. 41
2.5.1 Change management ………………………………………………………………………………… 42
2.5.2 Talent management………………………………………………………………………………….. 44
2.5.3 Role of the human resources department …………………………………………………….. 46
2.6 Theoretical framework ………………………………………………………………………………… 47
2.6.1 Development of theoretical framework ……………………………………………………….. 48
2.6.2 Refining the viewpoint………………………………………………………………………………. 50
2.6.3 Finalized theoretical framework………………………………………………………………….. 50
3. Research Methodology………………………………………………………………………………….. 53
3.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 53
3.1 Research structure for the study ……………………………………………………………………. 54
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3.2 Personal Interview………………………………………………………………………………………. 56
Interview Plan ……………………………………………………………………………………. 57
3.3 Primary survey……………………………………………………………………………………………. 57
3.3.1 Pool of recipients……………………………………………………………………………………… 57
3.3.2 Survey structure………………………………………………………………………………………. 58
3.3.3 Piloting ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 59
Survey outcome …………………………………………………………………………………….. 59
Linking and combining the data………………………………………………………………… 60
Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………. 60
4. FINDINGS…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 61
4.1 Presentation of findings……………………………………………………………………………….. 61
4.2 Basic information………………………………………………………………………………………… 61
4.2.2 Scale of HR outsourcing……………………………………………………………………………… 63
Level of Employees……………………………………………………………………………… 65
Different Stages of recruitment for outsourcing ……………………………………….. 67
4.3 Recruitment outsourcing process and planning ………………………………………………… 69
4.4 Scope and decisions of Outsourcing……………………………………………………………….. 71
4.4.1 Job Specific Recruitment Outsourcing…………………………………………………………… 72
4.4.2 Primary Interviews……………………………………………………………………………………. 73
4.5 Recognized Benefits of Recruitment Outsourcing …………………………………………….. 75
4.6 Social Recruitment………………………………………………………………………………………. 78
Employer brands ……………………………………………………………………………………. 80
4.8 Technical recruitment …………………………………………………………………………………. 81
4.9 International recruitment ……………………………………………………………………………. 83
4.10 HR department Role………………………………………………………………………………….. 85
4.11 Measurement ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 90
4.11.1 Cost per hire and Quality………………………………………………………………………….. 90
4.12 Additional information and open question:…………………………………………………… 93
4.13 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 94
5.1 Presentation of findings & results …………………………………………………………………. 95
Summary of recruitment outsourcing State ………………………………………………… 95
First Research Question: the effectiveness rationale …………………………………. 96
Second Research Question……………………………………………………………………. 98
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5.3 Limitations of the research…………………………………………………………………………… 99
5.4 Recommendations for further research………………………………………………………… 100
6. SELF REFLECTION ………………………………………………………………………………………… 102
6.1 Genesis of the Research Problem …………………………………………………………………. 102
6.2 My Concern ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 103
6.3 Timeline ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 103
6.5 Importance of Research ……………………………………………………………………………… 104
6.6 Limitations……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 105
BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 106
APPENDICES………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 112
Amita Betgerikar
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1. Functions of recruitment (Armstrong, 2003)
2. Summary of factors influencing Recruitment process outsourcing
3. Model of Human Resource Strategy that has competitive advantages in
change management (Kalyani and Shahoo, 2011)
4. Modified Miaoulis et al. (2008) stages of recruitment
5. Theoretical framework applied from Miaoulis et al (2008)
6. Research Onion, Source: Saunders et al, 2009.
7. A Classification tool for mixed-method designs (Hurmerinta-Peltomäki &
Nummela, 2006)
8. Structure of corporate HR. Modified, Post-transformation
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Chart 1: Question 1 (quantitative Survey)
Chart 2: Question 2 (quantitative survey)
Chart 3: Question 3 (quantitative survey)
Chart 4: Question 4 (quantitative survey)
Chart 5: Question 5 (quantitative survey)
Chart 6: Question 6 (quantitative survey)
Chart 7: Question 7 quantitative survey)
Chart 8: Question 8 (quantitative survey)
Chart 9: Question 9 (quantitative survey)
Chart 10: Question 10 (quantitative survey)
Chart 11: Question 11 (quantitative survey)
Chart 12: Question 12 (quantitative survey)
Chart 13: Question 13 (quantitative survey)
Chart 14: Question 14 (quantitative survey)
Chart 15: Question 15(quantitative survey)
Chart 16: Question 16(quantitative survey)
Chart 17: Question 17(quantitative survey)
Chart 18: Question 18(quantitative survey)
Amita Betgerikar
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HR – Human Resource
HRO – Human Resource Outsourcing
RPO – Recruitment Process Outsourcing
OSP – Outsourcing service provider
SEO – Search Engine Optimization
ATS – Applicant Tracking System
SOW – Statement of Work
HRMID – Human Resource Management International Digest
Amita Betgerikar
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The chance to study at Dublin Business School and completing this dissertation
would not be possible without the help & support of many people.
Let me start this section of acknowledgement with a thought of gratitude to
my supervisor Mr Davis Wallace. His advice and guidance during this research
study has allowed me to complete my work. He has provided important
suggestions, tips to improve the framework of the dissertation with the
ultimate goal to deliver a high quality work. I would also like to thank my
professor Mr John Lamont, my main motivator in choosing the topic.
My words of appreciation also goes to my incredible family and friends who
supported me during all this years of study and are still believing in my abilities
and have sacrificed so much to give me a better chance to build a better
Thank you to all those vital and important people in my life, I had the
opportunity to have this experience, which will be an essence to set a better
Amita Betgerikar
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The aim of this dissertation is to assess the justification and effectiveness of
RPO = recruitment process outsourcing. In earlier days these methods have
been studied mainly with the case studies and evaluating the outsourcing
recruitment of a particular company. However, this dissertation will have a
cross industry focus to assess these issues on a more understandable and wide
scale. The research study is guided by research questions, whose purpose is to
evaluate the different issues related to the outsourcing of the recruitment
process. This includes recognizing the factors that form the justification for the
outsourcing process and what type of issue is affecting their efficiency. In
addition, two conjoint recruitment outsourcing scenario that is technical
recruitment and international recruitment are analysed in depth. To critically
evaluate these issues and find answer to research questions, a theoretical
framework was built essentially on the basis of three of the most relevant
academic literature:
1. Recruitment
2. Human resource Outsourcing
3. Recruitment Process Outsourcing
This was then balanced with favourable supportive literature that is change,
talent management & strategic human resource management that links with
recruitment process outsourcing.
Amita Betgerikar
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The findings of this study were collected using a mixed method approach that
is the combination of qualitative and quantitative data. Firstly an expert in the
industry was interviewed to get practical knowledge on the topic. This was
followed by a wide quantitative survey with a pool of participants consisting of
Irish human resources professionals from different organizations. The response
rate was about 100 survey respondents. The conclusions made were that
issues including technical recruitment and international recruitment could
both provide a justification and affect the efficiency of recruitment outsourcing
events. In addition, there was strong evidence that only certain steps of the
entire recruitment process are appropriate for outsourcing. All findings
maintained the eagerness of cross industry approach, as the sample survey
was not limited to any context thus makes the data applicable to different
businesses. Basically, the wide focus makes this unique perspective on the
underlying issues affecting recruitment process outsourcing.
Amita Betgerikar
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1. Introduction
The modern global business environment, during the last few decades has had
an impact on business practices. As technology and markets have evolved the
service structures, practices and organizational frames have been dramatically
changed. One fact that has emerged is business process outsourcing.
Organizations have started to let go of their traditional in house functions like
recruitments and other functions. This study looks into one very specific issue
which is recruitment process outsourcing.
The concept of recruitment process outsourcing
The umbrella concept of human resources outsourcing or recruitment process
outsourcing emerged in the 1990’s. There is no specific reason so as to why
such a strategy surfaced at that time, but it is worth imaging that it had to go
with the increase in overall outsourcing activities. The definition of Human
resource outsourcing states that outsourcing “provides an external, market
based alternative to internal procurement of HR functions and HRM” (Alewell,
Hauff, Thommes & Weiland, 2009). As opposed to human resource
outsourcing, recruitment process outsourcing is more of recent origin. The first
academic articles and research relating to recruitment process outsourcing are
from the mid 2000. Recruitment process outsourcing has not been researched
extensively due to its short history.
Recruitment is usually considered as a vital process for any organization, if not
Amita Betgerikar
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vital a potential source of competitive advantage. It directly deals with the
future and current employees of the company and is one of the core human
resource functions. Looking into the query of why companies are willing to let
go of the recruitment process and what kind of efficiencies will it bring to them
by engaging in outsourcing activities.
1.2 Research Gap and Research Objective
The primary goal of this research is to examine the basis and helpfulness of
recruitment process outsourcing as a feasible strategy for current companies.
The fundamental question is to study what companies achieve from this
practice. Furthermore this research will focus on recruitment emphasis on
outsourcing recruitment issues stage specifically and analyze the changes in
the efficiency of this tool throughout the process of recruitment.
While there are some research already done on recruitment outsourcing with
similar viewpoints on perceptions and thoughts (Ume Amen, 2010). But there
are not many studies with focus on cross industry. This research should
present a unique outlook on the current trends without being limited by
planned or existing organizational strategies. This dissertation should create an
effective viewpoint on the issues of outsourcing recruitment and its influence
on the companies operating in Ireland.
Moreover, it can be assumed that due to some circumstantial factors the
effectiveness of recruitment outsourcing may have effected. We can find this
argument on individual case study of outsourcing recruitment, whereas they
Amita Betgerikar
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have not been evaluated as a set of rationales. Earlier research done on human
resource outsourcing or recruitment outsourcing has never identified the
extremely important scenarios nor linked them to the perceptional analysis.
Overall, identifying general rationales for recruitment outsourcing by using
cross industry perceptive data and find out what kind of factors influence the
effectiveness of such process which is a different approach to this topic.
Research question
To create more specified focus on research objectives and for the purpose of
guiding the research two research questions were processed and developed.
Research question are constructed specifically keeping in mind the issues
presented above. A glimpse into the concept of recruitment outsourcing
whether it is based on professional discussion or academic literature or by
watching the advertisement and job postings which revels various motives for
recruitment outsourcing.
The literature offers great deal of general discussion and process related
perceptions and applicable data from subjects such as human resource
outsourcing but it lacks basic rationale. The research questions mentioned
below were developed for the sole purpose of evaluating the various
rationales that drives the recruitment outsourcing processes and functions as
measure for analyzing them. Also special recruitment scenarios and themes
will be combined in to the research question.As discussed above this
dissertation will be guided and based on two research questions. The very first
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question refers to the main theme of the research and the second will highlight
ton the supportive themes.
The first research question is:
Q1. What are the rationale behind outsourcing recruitment and does its
effectiveness changes through out the recruitment process?
As stated before the rationale and effectiveness will be evaluated and
discussed at a cross industry level. Viewing at firm specific issues about the
topic is not the subject of focus. The guiding tool for this dissertation is the
initial research question.
The second research question is:
Q2. When dealing with specialized recruitment processes (technical/
international recruitment) does the effectiveness of recruitment outsourcing
The purpose of this question is to study what types of effects does recruitment
outsourcing have during special circumstances. Technical and international
recruitment would be perfect examples for this kind of evaluation.
Proposed structure for this research
The research will be determined by the development of theoretical frame work.
This model will be constructed so that on the basis of the individual stages of
overall recruitment process the recruitment outsourcing can be evaluated. The
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idea behind this is to provide a frame work which can be applied to all
recruitment processes outsourced irrespective of their depth of outsourcing.
For that purpose several success factors are needed to be mapped on the basis
of which the analysis can be developed.
The empirical section will be done with a mixed method approach. Firstly a
detailed personal interview will be carried on with an industry with HR
professionals to study how the issues are linked from the literature and
practical ones. This will also be followed up by quantitative survey with HR
professional from various backgrounds in Ireland.The focus of the survey will
be on the perception and personal opinions of these people.The additional
themes that will be studied mentioned above are two special characteristics of
recruitment outsourcing which are technical recruitment and international
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2. Literature review
To identify the important sources for frame works and models which are linked
to the concept of recruitment outsourcing is the starting point of the
theoretical part of this dissertation. The literature review can be divided in to
two streams for better understanding which are primary and secondary
(supportive) stream. The primary stream will be used as the basis for majority
of the analysis while the secondary stream will be more of a thematic method
to the recruitment outsourcing and the wonders linked with it. The secondary
stream will act as a descriptive set of information about basic themes which
are related to recruitment outsourcing. This stream will have more of a
supportive role.
Primary stream
Actually the recruitment process outsourcing literatures are the essential part
of this study. In order to critically analysis recruitment outsourcing large sum of
literature needs to be reviewed. There is enough amount of research being
carried out currently on this subject for e.g. Hauser 2011 etc. some of this
research are easily applicable to this study. The usual benefits that are
achieved form this process as analyzed by authors & researcher like Cappello
and Constance, 2011 and the outsourcing decisions and their rationales as
evaluated by Legget, 2007.
The previous discussion and research about this topic has mainly take a
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problem specific study focus. Accordingly it is favorable to incorporate theories
from recognized categories of academic literature that are related to
recruitment process outsourcing topics.
Recruitment process outsourcing is a function of human resource that copes
with recruitment. Thus, in order to study the elements out of which
recruitment process outsourcing is constructed the evaluation on a general
level of recruitment and human resource outsourcing can be valuable for the
quality of the research. In academic literature Human resource outsourcing
(HRO) is highly researched. As opposed to recruitment process outsourcing
(RPO) which is a current phenomenon at the moment, the existence of HRO
was back in the 1990 when this trend started becoming common and was
followed by many firms (Shen, 2005.)
Adding Human resource outsourcing (HRO) in the analysis will provide
appropriate understanding on issues such as using consultants in Human
resource outsourcing (HRO) discussed by Sheehan, Holland & Nelson, 2002 and
motivational analysis by Lever, 1997. In Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO)
context this theme may not have been analyzed extensively.
With addition to HRO and RPO, the other most relevant streams of literature
that need to be evaluated and analyzedare recruitment at normal level.
Recruitment is a subject that has been discussed number of times over and
over again. To understandthe peculiarities of this structural Human resource
process is very important when analyzing the conclusions concerning the
effectiveness of recruitment process outsourcing (RPO). Authors like Breaugh
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& Starke (2000) analyzed some of the existing research and theories relating to
recruitment and brought out the limitations to this theory. As the arrival of
technology like e-services and social media has been an inspiration for current
studies on this topic (Singh and Narang, 2008 & Doherty, 2010).
2.1.2 Secondary supportive Stream
Recruitment directly deals with talent management whether it is outsourced or
The acquisition of talent connected with the organization’s core functions and
to understand the impact that talent management can have on Recruitment
process outsourcing (RPO) is important for the purpose of this research. Also
to some extent Knowledge management play an important role especially
when it is combined with talent management, as explained by Whelan and
Carcary, 2011 they show absolute supportive part of literature.
Long with recruitment other HR functions may lead to large organizational
change as the organizations stop carrying out or providing this service
internally. The fact that the employees will be appointed based on the
suggestions made by a third party is a major change for an organization.
Subsequently, managing the issues related to Change management can be
valuable to understand particularly the short term effects of Recruitment
process Outsourcing (RPO).
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In this research the role of recruitment theories is to make a batch of success
factors which are related to analyzing the quality and effectiveness of different
recruitment processes. To develop a strong model that shows the peculiarities
of recruitment process in a way that is beneficial and valuable for measuring
the findings of this research.
The main aim of any recruitment process even if it is outsourced or not is to
find the right candidates for the right position and effectively (Armstrong, 2003)
Figure 1: Source: Armstrong, 2003 (Recruitment Functions)
Breaugh & Starke, 2000 have developed a complete model of recruitment
The starting point essentially is 1) Recruitment Objectives, in which issues like
number of applicants and cost of recruitment is evaluated. Followed by 2)
Development of strategy and 3) Recruitment activities which copes with the
timeliness of the complete process. 4) Intervening Variables which has to do
with quality of the candidates and then the process finishes at 5) Recruitment
The Armstrong model of recruitment process, the first function requires
Amita Betgerikar
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strategic level of planning. The second function looks after advertising and
marketing activities. However, Williamson et al.2010 identified a critical point
in the process of solid reputation, especially when using recruitment websites
as an advertising network. Issues such as the brand image of the employer and
categorization are crucial when recruiting via website. Backhaus, 2004
evaluated these issues in the context of Monster.com, which is a recruitment
Web service and distinguish the elements on which the company’s reputation
is built. These include attributes, customer orientation, corporate, social
responsibility, environment, climate, work, family, progress, difficulty, location
and compensation. Seeing attractiveness as a combination of firm reputation
in each of these categories is an effective way to evaluate the potential
candidate attraction of a given company. Another simpler way to view this
issue is to evaluate the employer brand, which consists of a mixture of clarity,
relevance and differentiation from the competitors (Moroko and Uncles, 2008).
Following the issue of the employer brand, indicating that during the
recruitment process of the candidates are exposed to indirect marketing to
that organization’s corporate culture, and therefore the employer brand of
company they are applying (Wang and Wang, 2009). In addition, the
importance of employer branding is considered a critical factor influencing the
quality of the applicants and applicants pool size (Collins and Han, 2004)
making it a matter to be addressed in the evaluation of the recruitment
process. In addition, the recruitment language can also cause problems
between display and posting of applications and describe the status and nature
of business. For example, the issue of differences in language which is a part of
the employer brand and one that is actually used in the daily operations of a
given company as discussed by Heikkilä and Smale (2011).
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Of these, the first two function of the Armstrong model were functions specific
to the company, but the third can be seen as a dialogue between the
candidate and the recruiter. Yakubovich & Lup (2006) defined this as the
display of the recruitment process consisting of objective selection, subjective
selection and self-selection. In addition, the authors point out that even if the
more advanced virtual recruitment systems are used, there is always an
obvious bottleneck at the selection stage. This is where HR staff is required to
use their time and effort for the good of recruitment success and scarcity of
this resource becomes apparent.
The breakdown of the basic recruitment process mentioned above gives a
better starting point for further understanding of the recruitment process. It
became much clear that issues such as the detailed planning of the
recruitment process, the selection process and employer brands are some of
the most critical success factors in a recruitment strategy.
This Academic theory also make available number of drafts which are ready
made with complete recruitment process. While they are often the case
specific, some of them are beyond their original purpose as applicable to
situations. An example of this is the detailed recruitment process which was
established for the recruitment of university professors. It addresses issues
relevant to all types of recruitment such as the evaluation of the qualification
and planning process (Miaoulis and Nicovich Stolz, 2008). The overall
recruitment presented by the author is as follows:
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1) Planning, 2) Announcement 3) Application and screening 4) Candidate
selection 5) Candidate Evaluation 6) Offer Phase.
Although this is again in line with the Armstrong’s more generalized framework
and the theory has been applied to it earlier in this dissertation. It includes
more specific details. For e.g. the distinction between the application and
screening, selection and evaluation of the candidate is beneficial in the
evaluation of the overall recruitment process. During these three phases of the
process a different set of applicant information is available at different stages.
Miaoulis et al. (2008) goes through the process in detail, it is clear that in the
beginning there is only written information and CV from the applicants, which
is supplemented by more subjective information from interviews. The amount
of information that recruiters have relating to their candidates clearly
increases as the process continues.
However Cook (2004), provides six variables to assess the impact of the
selection process. These can be used to see where the potential pitfalls are in
the whole process and provide more information to improve recruitment.
These variables are: (1) Validity (2) Practicality, (3) Cost (4) Acceptability (5)
Generality and (6) Legality. Each tool in the overall selection process can be
evaluated and analyzed on the basis of these factors. For instance, if
companies were to use assessment centers in their selection process, the
choice could be evaluated based on the number of acceptable candidates the
company was able to achieve and at what price. Although this type of
assessment method can be considered somewhat superficial or even out of
context, it is an effective way to break down the overall selection process of
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something that can be measured with a tool other than the cost per traditional
2.2.1 E-recruitment
Internet is one of the modes through which organisations can extensively
reach large number of candidates with limited capital and relative ease
(Armstrong 2003). Access to large number of prospective candidates can be
achieved through combination of Internet based services thatare further
divided into three key categories: Media sites, job sites and agency sites.
Authors Singh & Narang (2008) have done wide analysis of the above
mentioned job sites and some of the qualities associated with them. It is worth
noting that the initial notions of job sites and media sites are to some extent
incorporated into the category referred by the authors as Job boards.
These Internet services providers consists of global giants like Monster and
local services like Irishjobs.ie in Ireland. The rationale behind the combination
of Armstrong(2003) one and your categories lies in the services these websites
provide. In opposition to restricted to a blackboard of listed vacant jobs, this
websites gives value not only to consumer but business by providing search
agents, CV database, classified listing & also career planning (Singh and Narang,
2008). Authors Yoon Kin Tong & Sivanand (2004) divided this service into three
tools: primary, secondary and auxiliary tools. Primary tool included essential
search and features of categorization, secondary tools have to do with
management of CV, career fairs and niche information whereas auxiliary tools
included newsletter. Generally it appears that organisations can differentiate
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themselves from their competitors even when they are using this recruitment
internet services.
2.2.2 Social recruitment
Social recruitment is a moderately new sensation which has a lot in common
with E – recruitment activities. Lately the unbalanced economic climate has
built cost demands for companies to cut down on their operating expenses.
Around the same time, the development of social media helped organisation
to reach younger candidates at a very low cost in particular (Doherty, 2010)
Organisations soon understood that the recruitment possibilities of social
media were not only restricted to their use as an interaction channel, but also
allowed organisation to track a candidate’s network and work history precisely
(IBID). Nevertheless people using social media are not only passive receivers of
information but they also figure out their potential employers through this
channel. This creates a need for organisation to plan carefully and manage
what type of corporate representation is sent through their social media
existence (Gunderson Hunt, 2010).
Active involvement in social media is certainly advantageous to both
employers an employee in terms of recruitment. Authors Lavezzi & Meccheri
(2009) indicated that people involved in social networks are more likely find a
new job, very quick if they are job less or become unemployed.
By combining and connecting the research by Gunderson Hunt, 2010 and
Doherty, 2010 the social recruitment culminates in a few key activities. Firstly,
engaging & monitoring the crucial social media with appropriate tools (i.e. ATS-

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