Lưu trữ danh mục: Báo cáo đồ án

Báo cáo đồ án là một tài liệu hoặc bài thuyết trình mà sinh viên hoặc nhóm sinh viên thường phải viết hoặc trình bày để tổng hợp, phản ánh và trình bày các kết quả, quyết định và quá trình hoàn thành của một dự án hoặc nghiên cứu

9731_Comparison Between Brief Acceptance and Cognitive Interventions – Assessing Public Speaking Performance in Socially-Anxious Individuals

9731_Comparison Between Brief Acceptance and Cognitive Interventions - Assessing Public Speaking Performance in Socially-Anxious Individuals

10980_The Effects and Experiences of Stigma in the Minneapolis Strip Club Industry

10980_The Effects and Experiences of Stigma in the Minneapolis Strip Club Industry

10097_Impact of Self-Determined Motivation on Work Behavior and Response to Cognitive Remediation in Individuals with Schizophrenia

10097_Impact of Self-Determined Motivation on Work Behavior and Response to Cognitive Remediation in Individuals with [...]

10984_The Effects of Elderspeak on the Mood of Older Adults with Dementia – A Preliminary Report

10984_The Effects of Elderspeak on the Mood of Older Adults with Dementia - A Preliminary [...]

9602_An Evaluation of a Brief Mindfulness and Values Training on Cyber Bullying Behavior in College Students

9602_An Evaluation of a Brief Mindfulness and Values Training on Cyber Bullying Behavior in College [...]

10983_The Effects of Cognitive Training on Behavioral Functioning in Persons with Dementia

10983_The Effects of Cognitive Training on Behavioral Functioning in Persons with Dementia

10982_The Effects of a Cognitive Training Program for Healthy Older Adults – A Program Evaluation Study

10982_The Effects of a Cognitive Training Program for Healthy Older Adults - A Program Evaluation [...]

10936_Sex Trafficking_ A Systematic Review of Operational Definitions

10936_Sex Trafficking_ A Systematic Review of Operational Definitions

9608_An Investigation into the Perceptions of Elderspeak and How It Effects Mood Among an Assisted Living Population

9608_An Investigation into the Perceptions of Elderspeak and How It Effects Mood Among an Assisted [...]

9625_Assessing Preferences for Montessori-based Activities in Persons with Memory Impairment

9625_Assessing Preferences for Montessori-based Activities in Persons with Memory Impairment