Lưu trữ thẻ: luận văn tốt nghiệp

9731_Comparison Between Brief Acceptance and Cognitive Interventions – Assessing Public Speaking Performance in Socially-Anxious Individuals

9731_Comparison Between Brief Acceptance and Cognitive Interventions - Assessing Public Speaking Performance in Socially-Anxious Individuals

10980_The Effects and Experiences of Stigma in the Minneapolis Strip Club Industry

10980_The Effects and Experiences of Stigma in the Minneapolis Strip Club Industry

10097_Impact of Self-Determined Motivation on Work Behavior and Response to Cognitive Remediation in Individuals with Schizophrenia

10097_Impact of Self-Determined Motivation on Work Behavior and Response to Cognitive Remediation in Individuals with [...]

10984_The Effects of Elderspeak on the Mood of Older Adults with Dementia – A Preliminary Report

10984_The Effects of Elderspeak on the Mood of Older Adults with Dementia - A Preliminary [...]

9602_An Evaluation of a Brief Mindfulness and Values Training on Cyber Bullying Behavior in College Students

9602_An Evaluation of a Brief Mindfulness and Values Training on Cyber Bullying Behavior in College [...]

10983_The Effects of Cognitive Training on Behavioral Functioning in Persons with Dementia

10983_The Effects of Cognitive Training on Behavioral Functioning in Persons with Dementia

10982_The Effects of a Cognitive Training Program for Healthy Older Adults – A Program Evaluation Study

10982_The Effects of a Cognitive Training Program for Healthy Older Adults - A Program Evaluation [...]

10936_Sex Trafficking_ A Systematic Review of Operational Definitions

10936_Sex Trafficking_ A Systematic Review of Operational Definitions

9608_An Investigation into the Perceptions of Elderspeak and How It Effects Mood Among an Assisted Living Population

9608_An Investigation into the Perceptions of Elderspeak and How It Effects Mood Among an Assisted [...]

9625_Assessing Preferences for Montessori-based Activities in Persons with Memory Impairment

9625_Assessing Preferences for Montessori-based Activities in Persons with Memory Impairment